Boost Your Research With...

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Industry-Leading Digestibility Methods

Digestibility results can vary due to minute differences in methods including:

  • Timing of feeding relative to testing
  • Pore size of bags and crucibles
  • Rumen fluid handling techniques

When testing with Dairyland you know:

  • Methods are the result of decades of experience and research Dairyland has published
  • Every test is control charted to detect changes
  • Methods used on your samples translate directly to those being used in the field today

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In Vitro Screening Before Animal Trials

In vitro screening is an effective way to qualify prospective feed additives ahead of expensive animal trials. Screening tools within Dairyland's Digestion Lab include:

  • Traditional fiber, starch, and protein digestibility analyses at any time points
  • Gas production analysis
  • VFA analysis of in vitro fluid



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Custom Method Development

Commercial digestibility methods are designed to isolate the feed sample as the only limitation to digestibility, masking the impact of specific modes of action in some feed additives. Tapping into Dairyland's decades of experience in digestibility testing, custom methods can be developed to illustrate the impact of your specific feed additive. 

Industry-Leading Digestibility Methods

In Vitro Screening Before Animal Trials

Custom Method Development

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